In this assignment, you are going to help generate a word search puzzle. If you are not familiar with word search puzzles, you can find out more information
In problem 1, you will write a function, willWordFitH(), which will determine whether or not a given word can fit into a word search puzzle horizontally starting at given row and column indexes.
For this problem, the puzzle grid has been created for you. It is an N×N table (a list of lists), in which N is both the number of rows and the number of columns (the table forms a square). Each cell is a single character, and all empty cells have been initialized to a period (.). For example, initially a 5x5 grid would look like the following:
[[".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", ".", "."]]
First, the word can fit into the puzzle if it is NOT too long for the row. For example,
["C", "A", "T", ".", "."]
[".", "C", "A", "T", "."]
[".", ".", "C", "A", "T"]
- However, the word would be too long if it starts at column index 3 or 4:
[".", ".", ".", "C", "A"]
[".", ".", ".", ".", "C"]
["Z", "E", "B", "R", "A"]
Second, words can overlap if they share letters:
["D", "O", "G", ".", "."]
["D", "O", "G", "O", "T"]
[[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
We want to add “CAT” to myPuzz at [0][1]
Call: willWordFitH(myPuzz, “CAT”, 0, 1)
Return: True. “CAT” has been added to myPuzz because there was room.
[[".", "C", "A", "T"],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
[[".", "C", "A", "T"],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
Now we want to add “DOG” at [0][1].
Call: willWordFitH(myPuzz, “DOG”, 0, 1)
Return: False. Grid remains unchanged because “CAT” already exists where we wanted to place “DOG”.
[[".", "C", "A", "T"],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
[[".", "C", "A", "T"],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
Now we want to add “SCAT” at [0][0].
Call: willWordFitH(myPuzz, “SCAT”, 0, 0)
Return: True. Grid has been updated since there is room for “SCAT” since it shares letters with “CAT”.
[["S", "C", "A", "T"],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
[["S", "C", "A", "T"],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
Finally we want to add “ZEBRA” at [2][0].
Call: willWordFitH(myPuzz, “ZEBRA”, 2, 0)
Return: False. Grid remains unchanged because “ZEBRA” will not fit starting at [1][0].
[["S", "C", "A", "T"],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."],
[".", ".", ".", "."]]
# CSCI 1105
# Assignment 4, Problem 1
# @author: Fleming
################# DO NOT CHANGE CODE INSIDE THIS BOX #################
numSize = int(input()) #
numRows = int(input()) #
wordList = [] #
for i in range(numRows): #
wordList.append(input().split(" ")) #
wordList[len(wordList)-1][1] = int(wordList[len(wordList)-1][1]) #
wordList[len(wordList)-1][2] = int(wordList[len(wordList)-1][2]) #
myPuzz = [] #
for i in range(numSize): #
myPuzz.append( ['.'] * numSize ) #
################## WRITE YOUR CODE AFTER THIS LINE ###################
# this is the ultimate function
def willWordFitH(puzzle, word, row, col):
# made a variable that holds the number of columns in the puzzle
# which was useful rule out that exceeds the tables length
puzzlecol = len(puzzle[0])
# made a variable for length of the word and converted the row
# and col to integer if not already done
length = len(word)
row = int(row)
col = int(col)
# made two availability variable but if elseavailability is
# False the word cannot be put in the puzzle
ifavailability = False
elseavailability = True
# made a for loop to check if the word has the eligibility to
# be inputted into the puzzle
for i in range(length):
# if the starting column plus the length of the word is larger
# than the number of columns in the table it fails immediately
if col + length > puzzlecol:
elseavailability = False
# check if the space is blank or has the same letter that the word needs
elif puzzle[row][col+i] == "." or puzzle[row][col+i] == word[i]:
ifavailability = True
# if neither of the two above matches, it fails the test
elseavailability = False
# if the elseavailability test fails the overall availability fails
if elseavailability == False:
availability = False
# if the elseavailability passes, overall availability is True
# then start inputting the numbers
availability = True
for i in range(length):
puzzle[row][col+i] = word[i]
return availability
################## WRITE YOUR CODE ABOVE THIS LINE ###################
################# DO NOT CHANGE CODE INSIDE THIS BOX #################
for words in wordList: #
print(willWordFitH(myPuzz, words[0], words[1], words[2])) #
for rowList in myPuzz: #
for char in rowList: #
print(char+" ", end="") #
print() #
In problem 2, you will write a function, findHorizontally(), which will determine whether or not a given word exists in a word search puzzle horizontally.
In word search puzzles, words can be written towards the right (left-to-right) or towards the left (right-to-left). For example, “CAT” appears at [0][0] written towards the right, while “ZEBRA” appears at [2][4] written towards the left:
[[**"C", "A", "T"**, "X", "R"],
["D", "T", "E", "Z", "L"],
[**"A", "R", "B", "E", "Z"**],
["X", "Q", "E", "A", "U"],
["J", "S", "O", "K", "W"]]
Your function must look through each row for the word. If it is found, it must return the row and column at which the word starts and the direction in which the word is written.
Parameter Variables (Input)
[["Q", "W", "E", "R"],
["W", "O", "R", "D"],
["Z", "X", "C", "V"],
["V", "B", "N", "M"]]
Call: findHorizontally(myPuzz, “WORD”)
Return: {“row”: 1, “column”: 0, “direction”: DIR_R}
[["Q", "W", "E", "R", "T"],
["W", "O", "R", "D", "K"],
["S", "C", "N", "D", "A"],
["E", "L", "O", "V", "R"],
["V", "B", "N", "M", "S"]]
Call: findHorizontally(myPuzz, “VOLE”)
Return: {“row”: 3, “column”: 3, “direction”: DIR_L}
[["Q", "W", "E",],
["W", "O", "R"],
["V", "B", "N"]]
Call: findHorizontally(myPuzz, “DOG”)
Return: None
# CSCI 1105
# Assignment 4, Problem 2
# @author: Fleming
# Direction constants #
DIR_U = 0 #
DIR_UR = 1 #
DIR_R = 2 #
DIR_DR = 3 #
DIR_D = 4 #
DIR_DL = 5 #
DIR_L = 6 #
DIR_UL = 7 #
# Create the puzzle table #
myPuzz = [input()] #
myPuzz[0] = myPuzz[0].split(" ") #
for i in range(1,len(myPuzz[0])): #
myPuzz.append(input()) #
myPuzz[-1] = myPuzz[-1].split(" ") #
# Get the words to test #
wordList = [] #
wordRead = input() #
while wordRead != "STOP!": #
wordList.append(wordRead) #
wordRead = input() #
################## WRITE YOUR CODE AFTER THIS LINE ###################
It seems that for the direction for which if the word is found, the
number 2 and 6 is used as opposed to DIR_L and DIR_R
# the function that took forever to finish lies below
def findHorizontally(puzzle, word):
# just a placeholder for if statement (doesn't matter in the end)
availability = False
# made a variable for number of rows and columns along with length of the word
row = len(puzzle)
col = len(puzzle[0])
length = len(word)
# created an empty dictionary for the word to be added if found
dictionary = {}
# made a for loop that searches for the word horizontally to the right
# first for loop goes through every row to find the word
for i in range(row):
# second for loop goes through zeroth column to the column where beginning
# of the word can appear which is col-length and the increment is one
for j in range(0, col-length, 1):
# created a test variable that tests if all letter of the word is
# found which is used in the if statement below
test = []
# used an if statement to find the word
# if the first letter of the word is found somewhere in the puzzle
if puzzle[i][j] == word[0]:
# used for loop to see if the letters to the right of that spot
# also matches with the word
for k in range(length):
# it tests each one and if it matches, it puts yeah into
# the list called "test" or "nah"
if puzzle[i][j+k] == word[k]:
# if a single "nah" is found in the list called test,
# availability becomes false but otherwise it adds the location
# and the direction into the dictionary
if "nah" in test:
availability = False
dictionary["row"] = i
dictionary["column"] = j
# I do not know why the mimir takes 2 as opposed to "DIR_R" but
# I guess it happened as the prof made an adjustment
dictionary["direction"] = 2
# cleared the list that was used to test all letter for upcoming
# other test (just in case)
# this test does the confirmation if the word can be found horizontally
# but in opposite way for loop to test each row
for i in range(row):
# for loop to test each column (parameter adjusted to weird counting
# that python uses
with an increment of -1 since going opposite way)
for j in range(col-1, length-2, -1):
# list to test the letters
test = []
# same as the previous test to see if the first letter of the word is
# found in the puzzle
if puzzle[i][j] == word[0]:
# if the first letter is found it goes through the opposite way to
# test the remaining letter using for loop
for k in range(length):
# the j-k goes backward to test the letters and adds the "yeah"
# or "nah" to the list as appropriate
if puzzle[i][j-k] == word[k]:
# if single "nah" is found in the test, availability is False or
# if it finds it, the location and the direction of 6 is added
if "nah" in test:
availability = False
dictionary["row"] = i
dictionary["column"] = j
dictionary["direction"] = 6
# clears the list used for testing (just in case again)
# if both horizontal test gives no result and the dictionary remains empty,
# the final result of None is given, otherwise the dictionary containing
# the location and the direction is printed
if dictionary == {}:
final = "None"
final = dictionary
################## WRITE YOUR CODE ABOVE THIS LINE ###################
for word in wordList: #
print(word, findHorizontally(myPuzz, word)) #
for rowList in myPuzz: #
for char in rowList: #
print(char+" ", end="") #
print() #
In problem 3, you will write a function, findVertically(), which will determine whether or not a given word exists in a word search puzzle vertically.
In word search puzzles, words can be written upwards or downwards. For example, “BEAK” appears at [1][3] written downwards, while “BET” appears at [2][2] written upwards:
[["C", "A", **"T"**, "X", "R"],
["D", "T", **"E"**, **"B"**, "L"],
["A", "R", **"B"**, **"E"**, "Z"],
["X", "Q", "E", **"A"**, "U"],
["J", "S", "O", **"K"**, "W"]]
Your function must look through each column for the word. If it is found, it must return the row and column at which the word starts and the direction in which the word is written.
[["Q", **"W"**, "E", "R"],
["W", **"O"**, "R", "D"],
["Z", **"R"**, "C", "V"],
["V", **"N"**, "N", "M"]]
Call: findVertically(myPuzz, “WORN”)
Return: {“row”: 0, “column”: 1, “direction”: DIR_D}
[["Q", "W", "E", "R", **"E"**],
["W", "O", "R", "D", **"K"**],
["S", "C", "N", "D", **"A"**],
["E", "L", "O", "V", **"R"**],
["V", "B", "N", "M", "S"]]
Call: findertically(myPuzz, “RAKE”)
Return: {“row”: 3, “column”: 4, “direction”: DIR_U}
[["Q", "W", "E",],
["W", "O", "R"],
["V", "B", "N"]]
Call: findVertically(myPuzz, “DOG”)
Return: None
# CSCI 1105
# Assignment 4, Problem 3
# @author: ???
# Direction constants #
DIR_U = 0 #
DIR_UR = 1 #
DIR_R = 2 #
DIR_DR = 3 #
DIR_D = 4 #
DIR_DL = 5 #
DIR_L = 6 #
DIR_UL = 7 #
# Create the puzzle table #
myPuzz = [input()] #
myPuzz[0] = myPuzz[0].split(" ") #
for i in range(1,len(myPuzz[0])): #
myPuzz.append(input()) #
myPuzz[-1] = myPuzz[-1].split(" ") #
# Get the words to test #
wordList = [] #
wordRead = input() #
while wordRead != "STOP!": #
wordList.append(wordRead) #
wordRead = input() #
################## WRITE YOUR CODE AFTER THIS LINE ###################
It seems that for the direction for which if the word is found, the number
4 and 0 is used as opposed to DIR_D and DIR_U
# code copied from question 2 to save my fingers
# function that searches for the word vertically
def findVertically(puzzle, word):
# placeholder variable for testing
availability = False
# created a variable for number of rows and columns along with the
# length of the word
row = len(puzzle)
col = len(puzzle[0])
length = len(word)
# created an empty dictionary for to be used when the word is found
# in the puzzle
dictionary = {}
# created a for loop to find the word vertically going down with proper
# parameter with the increment of 1 for going down for each row
for i in range(0, row-length, 1):
# created a for loop to find the word for each column
for j in range(col):
# created a list for testing purposes
test = []
# if the first letter of the word is found in the puzzle
# it goes through this if statement
if puzzle[i][j] == word[0]:
# since it found the matching first letter of the word,
# it goes through for loop to see if the remaining letters match
for k in range(length):
# and it puts the result of "yeah" or "nah" in the
# list called test
if puzzle[i+k][j] == word[k]:
# if a single "nah" is found in the test, availability is
# False but if it doesn't the location and the direction of 4
# is added to the dictionary
if "nah" in test:
availability = False
dictionary["row"] = i
dictionary["column"] = j
dictionary["direction"] = 4
# clears the list that was used for testing (just in case)
# second test to find the word vertically but going up this time with the
# right parameter (due to weird counting that python uses with an increment
# of -1 for going up)
for i in range(row-1, length-2, -1):
# second for loop to test each column
for j in range(col):
# created a list for testing purposes
test = []
# if the first letter of the word is found in the puzzle, it
# goes through this if statement
if puzzle[i][j] == word[0]:
# since the first letter of the word is found, it goes
# through a for loop to test the remaining letter
for k in range(length):
# if the letter matches, it gives "yeah" or "nah" and
# puts it in the list
if puzzle[i-k][j] == word[k]:
# if single "nah" is found in the test, the availability
# is False but if it doesn't the location and the direction
# is added to the dictionary
if "nah" in test:
availability = False
dictionary["row"] = i
dictionary["column"] = j
dictionary["direction"] = 0
# clears the list that used to test (just in case again for
# the last time)
# if the dictionary remains empty due to availability being False
# for both test, the final is none or otherwise it gives the dictionary
# containing the location and the direcion
if dictionary == {}:
final = "None"
final = dictionary
################## WRITE YOUR CODE ABOVE THIS LINE ###################
for word in wordList: #
print(word, findVertically(myPuzz, word)) #
for rowList in myPuzz: #
for char in rowList: #
print(char+" ", end="") #
print() #