In this problem, you will read in a series of strings and store them to a list. Once you have the list, you will use random integers to generate indexes for switching elements in the list.
[‘very’, ‘tired’, ‘beginning’, ‘to’, ‘get’, ‘was’, ‘Alice’]
### Sample Output [‘“This’, ‘is’, ‘Mr.’, ‘this’, ‘Dr.’, ‘and’, ‘Holmes,’, ‘Sherlock’, ‘Watson.”’, ‘is’]
### My Solution also hosted here
# CSCI 1105
# Assignment 3, Problem 1
# @author: ???
from random import randint, seed #
seed(int(input())) #
########### START YOUR CODE AFTER THIS COMMENT ##############
# made an empty list
stringList = []
# made an input variable to add into the empty list but stops
# adding when it comes across STOP!
stuff = input()
while stuff != "STOP!":
stuff = input()
# created two random integer to switch place 5 times
for i in range(5):
randomNumberOne = randint(0, len(stringList)-1)
randomNumberTwo = randint(0, len(stringList)-1)
# stored one of the value into temp variable to avoid
# losing and switched the two values respectively
temp = stringList[randomNumberTwo]
stringList[randomNumberTwo] = stringList[randomNumberOne]
stringList[randomNumberOne] = temp
# printed the list
You will generate a series of random numbers in groups of three: The first number will be a row number, the second a column number, the third an increment value.
Using the row and column numbers, you will update the appropriate cell in a 5 x 10 (5 row, 10 column) table by the increment value.
For example, if you generate 3, 10, and 2, you will increment the cell whose row index is 3 and column index is 10 by 2.
In each of the three questions, I have supplied code at the beginning of the starter code to load the randint() function, as well as code to seed the random number generator. You MUST NOT change this code. If you do, your tests may not run properly. Look for the comment statement that tells where you to start your code.
51 89 103 75 129 148 87 120 92 79
159 74 98 76 66 80 90 76 110 63
127 138 129 131 100 84 122 72 100 115
106 96 122 85 82 105 38 120 62 92
106 115 107 105 96 106 68 80 101 76
116 92 69 83 78 47 82 90 99 93
50 138 93 115 143 123 80 120 130 92
110 59 93 97 65 129 115 113 92 123
124 153 63 97 99 42 96 88 144 82
111 115 119 131 108 108 101 111 96 91
# CSCI 1105
# Assignment 3, Problem 2
# @author: ???
from random import randint, seed #
seed(int(input())) #
############ START YOUR CODE AFTER THIS COMMENT ################
# made an empty table
table = []
# filled the table with respective amount of rows and columns with zeroes
for i in range(5):
add = [0] * 10
# created a random integer three times to increase the specific
# cell outputed by two randint by the increment
for y in range(1000):
first = randint(0,4)
second = randint(0,9)
increment = randint(0,10)
table[first][second] += increment
# printed the table with each cell having 6 spaces aligned to right
for i in range(5):
for j in range(10):
print("%6d" %table[i][j], end="")
In this problem, you are the dealer in a game of Gin Rummy, a card game (You can find out more about the game
You will not be playing the game, merely dealing the cards. There are four players and each player receives 10 cards. The cards are dealt to the players one by one. That is, Player 1 receives a card, then Player 2, then Player 3, then Player 4. This repeats 9 more times.
A deck of playing cards has four suits: ♠ (spades), ♣ (clubs), ♦ (diamonds), and ♥ (hearts), and each suit contains Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, and a King, for a total of 52 possible cards.
You will use random numbers to choose the suit and number of the cards that are dealt to the players.
You must keep track of what cards have been dealt so that no two players receive the same card. For example, there is only one 10 of ♣; but the random numbers might generate that card as Player 2’s first card and later generate the same card as Player 3’s tenth card. If the card has already been dealt to a player, then the next card is dealt instead.
Player 1 total: 70
Player 2 total: 63
Player 3 total: 65
Player 4 total: 65
Player 1 total: 70
Player 2 total: 70
Player 3 total: 64
Player 4 total: 47
# CSCI 1105
# Assignment 3, Problem 3
# @author: ???
from random import randint, seed #
seed(int(input())) #
################# START YOUR CODE AFTER THIS COMMENT ######################
I have set up the code so that sets the card in numerical value
Spade = suit of 1
Club = suit of 2
Diamond = suit of 3
Heart = suit of 4
Then for the card value
Ace = card of 1
2 to 10 = same
Jack = 11 but have actual value of 10
Queen = 12 but have actual value of 10
King = 13 but have actual value of 10
So if 5 of Diamond is drawn, it is noted as 35
if 12 of Heart is drawn, it is noted as 412
if 10 if Spade is drawn, it is noted as 110
# made a list that holds the card they dealt but overall includes
# every card dealt
onelist = []
twolist = []
threelist = []
fourlist = []
overall = []
# made a list that includes ONLY THE VALUE of the card that they dealt
onevalue = []
twovalue = []
threevalue = []
fourvalue = []
# made a dealing function
def card(result, resultlist, overall):
suit = randint(1,4)
card = randint(1,13)
cardnum = int(str(suit) + str(card))
# if the dealt card is already in the overall(list of already
# dealt cards) it keeps going
while cardnum in overall:
suit = randint(1,4)
card = randint(1,13)
cardnum = int(str(suit) + str(card))
# remembering to change the value for 11, 12 and 13 which is
# Jack, Queen and King to 10
if card == 11 or card == 12 or card == 13:
card = 10
# added value to their respective list
# initiated the loop where each person gets to go 10 times
for i in range(10):
card(onevalue, onelist, overall)
card(twovalue, twolist, overall)
card(threevalue, threelist, overall)
card(fourvalue, fourlist, overall)
# summed up all the value of the card they dealt
un = sum(onevalue)
deux = sum(twovalue)
trois = sum(threevalue)
quatre = sum(fourvalue)
# printed it
print("Player 1 total:", un)
print("Player 2 total:", deux)
print("Player 3 total:", trois)
print("Player 4 total:", quatre)